Great big conglomerations of condensing moisture

Recently my dear sister invited me to join a “Cloud Club” on a social media platform. Huh. Who knew? I like looking at clouds as much as many people – but had no idea there was a page dedicated to sharing photographs of them! So I’ve begun to purposely capture images of the passing fluffy moisture bearing creations of God’s great material world that He’s endowed us with. Here are a few taken recently with “new to me” M42 lens on the Olympus OM-D E-M1 camera.

OLYMPUS OM-D E-M1 – Formula 5 28mm

This first pic is one of the last I snapped yesterday, after we got home. I like the way the cloud seems to be getting ready to snack on the trees!

OLYMPUS OM-D E-M1 – Formula 5 28mm
OLYMPUS OM-D E-M1 – Formula 5 28mm

This last one I found fascinating for the sun flare at the bottom of the image and the “bokeh” hexagons at the top. I’m just starting to experiment with this vintage manual lens and find such things intriguing. There’s not much info I’ve been able to find about this lens yet, but so far I like it. Stay tuned for landscapes captured with the Canon 6D wearing this lens! On the Olympus it gives an “equivalent 56mm perspective” when compared to the Canon 6D full frame. One of these days I ought to set up the tripod and do a series of shots using this lens on the full frame, crop frame and micro four thirds cameras. On the T1i or T3 it should give a 44.8mm equivalent to the 28mm full frame perspective. But seeing the same landscape at close to the same time and light conditions as viewed through the three sensor sizes will give a better idea of how they compare to each other.

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