There are lenses that are popular as the object of disdain and even hate – but which will give the hobbyist good service in capturing decent images if he will take time to learn how to use them. One of those is the Canon EF 75-300mm 1:4-5.6 III lens. Since it lacks built in lens stabilization and it tends to be “a bit soft”, a lot of folks talk it down on the various FB forums related to Canon photography. Your humble blogger, on the other hand, likes to use it so as to show that one doesn’t have to spend thousands of dollars just to enjoy the hobby. Purchasing new off of Amazon or other online (or store front) retailers isn’t a good investment as these lenses can be picked up fairly cheaply on the used market. Bot KEH and MPB offer this lens for much less than full retail and it can be had from “As Is” to “Excellent” or “Like New” and every grade in between. I’ve managed to accumulate 3 of them in various deals over the years (including one new in the box that is still new in the box) and like to use them on both my Canon EOS 6D and the various Rebel series cameras around the place. Here is a look at a few pictures captured recently using this lens on the Canon EOS 6D. I’d put the Vivitar Series1 CPL filter on the lens for some reason, so these pics were all captured through that filter.