One of the more interesting (to ME) aspects of DSLR photography is the ability to use “vintage lenses” on them. These are lenses from the film era, mostly from 20 years or more ago. One lens in particular I wanted to find was a Hexanon 50mm like my Dad used to have on his old Konica TC Electra back in the 80’s. A good deal came up on Ebay and since I was heading to the US to participate in some important family matters I grabbed the deal and got a Konica TC Electra and two lenses, a Hexanon 50mm f/1.4 in original case with a UV filter installed and a Vivitar 70-150mm f/3.8 Close Focusing Auto Zoom, all for less than a “nifty fifty” Canon EF lens would cost, even including the AR to EF adapter necessary to mount these lenses to my Canon DSLRs. Here are a few pictures I took with this lens while walking around SW Missouri with my Mother.